Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles, Baked Chicken Parm & Cream Cheese Mac & Cheese

Today I've got a few different recipes for y'all PLUS another great pic of the Girls.  I love them.
  And my Fall mantle I put together:
The cornucopia is a gift I received from Janet, Chris' stepmom, & the candle holder to the right (facing the mantle) of the picture is this project that I found on Pinterest.  The picture was $6 at my fave place, Wal-Mart.  I love Wal-Mart.  I've probably said it before but I can spend HOURS at Wal-Mart.  My last trip prompted me to state that I need a shock collar with a max allowable to spend programmed into it.  

OK....on to the food!

3/4 lb Ziti
Olive Oil
1 1/2 cups Heavy Cream
1 cup Half & Half
1 cup 2% Milk
2 eggs
1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp White Pepper
2 cups Cheddar Cheese
1 cup Monterrey Jack Cheese
4 oz Cream Cheese, cubed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  While the oven is preheating, cook your Ziti for 4 mins.  It will still be semi-firm.  Drain the Ziti and in the same pot, toss in Olive Oil & mix well with the Ziti.  Spray a baking dish with non stick spray.  In a large bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, half & half, milk, eggs, nutmeg, salt & pepper.  Stir in your cheese & then add your Ziti.  
Spread the mixture into the prepared baking dish & scatter the Cream Cheese cubes over the top.  Bake for 5 mins and then use a spoon to spread the melted Cream Cheese across the top.  Bake for another 40 mins until bubbly on top.  After done baking, switch on the broiler and broil for a few mins until the top is browned.  Remove from the oven and let stand for about 20 mins.
I will use less Cream Cheese next time
The Nutmeg gave it really great flavor
I might cook the pasta a little longer in the beginning next time.

Now, while the Cream Cheese Mac & Cheese was cooking for the 40 min stint, I started in on my Baked Chicken Parmesan

2 boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts
1/2 cup Italian Bread Crumbs
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
Olive Oil
1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1 cup Spicy Marinara
My oven was already being used at 350 for the Cream Cheese Mac & Cheese so that's what it stayed on.  Spray a baking sheet with non stick spray.  Combine the Italian Bread Crumbs & Parmesan Cheese in a bowl.  Brush your Chicken Breasts lightly with Olive Oil & then dip each in the Breadcrumb Mixture.  Place on baking sheet & bake for 35 mins.  Once the Cream Cheese Mac & Cheese was done, I bumped the temp up to 450 degrees & cooked for another 15 mins.  When the Chicken was cooked through, I turned over & baked for 5 additional mins.  Then, I spooned Spicy Mozzarella over each Chicken Breast, topped with Mozzarella Cheese & baked for another 5 mins.


I had to whip out my food processor and blend up the Marinara Sauce so there weren't any chunks in it
Definitely cook the chicken for 20 mins at 450 as the original recipe states.  

My seasonal theory is that "Fall starts as soon as Starbucks starts serving the Pumpkin Spice Latte".  Oh, I love thee.  If I could pumpkin ALL THE THINGS, I would. I've never actually tried pumpkining things until this season though.  My very first Pumpkin venture just happened to be Pumpkin Snickerdoodles.  I've never been a huge fan of snickerdoodles....I'm more of a chocolate chip M&M or peanut butter cookie kind of gal......but I figured in the spirit of Fall (and because Chris likes snickerdoodles), I would try my hand at them.

3 3/4 cups Flour
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
3/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Ground Nutmeg
2 sticks Unsalted Butter
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1 can Pumpkin
1 Egg
2 tsp Vanilla Extract

1/2 cup Sugar
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
dash of Pumpkin Pie Spice
Whisk together Flour, Baking Powder, Salt, Cinnamon & Nutmeg.  In a separate bowl, beat together the Butter & Sugars until well combined then beat in Pumpkin, Egg & Vanilla Extract.  Add in the dry ingredients & beat until just combined.  Cover & refrigerate for an hour.  Remove from the fridge and preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line baking sheets with parchment paper.  In a third bowl, combine the combine the Sugar & Spices for the coating.  Scoop dough and roll into a ball.  Roll the dough ball in the sugar mixture & place on the baking sheet leaving a couple inches in between each cookie.  Take a drinking glass with a flat bottom, moisten with water and dip the glass in the sugar mixture.  Use the sugared glass to flatten each cookie.  Re-sugar the glass as needed.  Bake the cookies for 12 mins & allow to cool.

These cookies were flat out phenomenal.  There's nothing else to say.

Until next time.....


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Catching up.......and Cheesy Bacon Biscuit Pull Aparts


The past few months have been, to say the least, NUTS.  Working 16 hour days, 7 days a week for 2 months straight is not something that I would EVER wish upon anyone.  Except maybe 1 person....that's neither here nor there though.  Also, our lovely little Girls are growing up and growing to love each other more and more every single day.  They're just like real Sisters.  
I love these Girls so much.  I just can't get over how pretty their little faces are....and how great their little personalities are.

So this morning I woke up & made coffee and I was struck with the craziest feeling of motivation that I've had in a very long time.  I had a list of things in my head:  make breakfast, clean house, start all of the little projects that I've purchased supplies for but not actually started on.  I've only gotten as far as breakfast.  I do plan on getting off my butt after I make this post though.

I made these along with spicy scrambled eggs for Chris and fried eggs, sunny side up for myself.  

1 tbsp melted Butter
7 refrigerated biscuits
Mozzarella cheese (I just cut thin strips off of my block)
Bacon Bits
shredded Cheddar Cheese (I didn't measure)
As always, you can see I love my Wal Mart brand foods....

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Melt your Butter in the microwave for 30 seconds & brush that butter in the bottom of your iron skillet.  Line the bottom of the skillet with your Biscuits.  Only 7 of my roll of 10 would fit in my skillet.  Layer your Mozzarella Cheese, Bacon Bits & Cheddar Cheese & cook for 17 mins.
DON'T FORGET TO WEAR AN OVEN MITT WHEN REMOVING YOUR IRON SKILLET FROM THE OVEN.  No, I did not forget....I just want to throw in that friendly reminder.
I only cooked them for 15 mins in a gas oven.  I would say give them a couple more mins.  The Biscuits lining the outside were done but the center one was still a little gooey inside.
For Chris's scrambled eggs, I cooked them with a splash of Milk (for fluffiness) and Cayenne pepper with Louisiana Hot Sauce splashed across the top of the final product.  He likes 'em hella spicy.

Anyways, I can't claim these biscuits as my own but they were definitely A-Mazing....I would suggest them to EVERYONE.  

Until next time.....


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Crockpot Dr Pepper BBQ Boneless Ribs & "Revolutionary" Mac & Cheese

We all know how fantastic Dr Pepper is.....and how much we love it in this household.  So to discover that I can cook with it has been an amazing feat for our taste buds.  This round I made Crockpot Dr Pepper BBQ Boneless Ribs that I got the idea for from here.

1 lb boneless Pork Ribs
1 can Dr Pepper
9 oz BBQ Sauce
Season Salt, to taste

Season ribs with Season Salt & place in the crock pot.  Pour Dr Pepper & BBQ Sauce over the ribs and stir to mix.  Cover & cook on low for 4 hours.  The last hour that your ribs are cooking, start in on your "Revolutionary" Mac & Cheese.

2 cups Elbow Pasta
2 1/2 cups 2% Milk
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
1/4 tsp Spicy Brown Mustard
In a saucepan, combine the Pasta & Milk.  Bring to a simmer & reduce heat to low.  Cook for 20-25 mins until the Pasta is soft.  Stir regularly and whatever you do DON'T LET THE MILK BOIL!  I was trying to do 3 other things at the same time as I was trying to cook and I was deathly afraid that my Milk would start boiling....luckily, it did not.  When the Pasta is done cooking, turn off the heat & add Cheese, leaving a little extra for later.  Stir to combine.  Stir in the Spicy Brown Mustard, cover & let sit for a few minutes.  At this point, you can probably take your Ribs out of the crock pot & get 'em ready for eatin'.
Then give your Mac & Cheese one more good stir & pour in a baking dish.  Sprinkle the remaining Cheese over the top and bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted.
I used to believe that only cheese & bacon could make everything better......Dr Pepper is officially added to that list.  
DON'T TRY TO DO 5 THINGS AT ONCE WHILE COOKING WITH MILK.  I can't stress enough how AFRAID I was the whole time I was multi-tasking & cooking this Mac & Cheese.  Just the thought of Milk boiling & curdling ::gag::


Until next time.....


Brown Sugar & Balsamic Glazed Pork

I found this recipe for Brown Sugar & Balsamic Glazed Pork on, you guessed it, PINTEREST!  I had this one pinned to my Crock Pottin' board.


1 1/2 lb Boneless Pork Loin
1 tsp Sage
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/4 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 cup Water

1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1 tbsp Corn Starch
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 cup Water
2 tbsp Soy Sauce

Combine all Spices and rub over the Roast.  Place Roast in the crock pot with 1/2 cup Water.  Cook on low for 5 hours then switch to high for 1 hour.  While the roast is cooking on high, combine the ingredients for the glaze in a saucepan.  Heat and stir until the sauce thickens then brush over the roast for the remainder of the cook time.  Serve with some of the glaze poured over the top of your serving.


Until next time.....


Cream Cheese Enchiladas

After the semi-success of my first batch of Enchiladas (they were pretty tasty....but they fell apart), I thought I'd try my hand at them once again.  This time around, I found some Cream Cheese Enchiladas to try out.  I chose these because 1.) I had them pinned on my Yum board on Pinterest & 2.) I thought the corn would add an interesting flavor/texture to the "same ol' Chicken Enchiladas".

2 cups cooked, shredded Chicken (2 boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts)
5 oz Cream Cheese
1/4 cup Sour Cream
2 cups Salsa
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 cup shredded Pepper Jack Cheese
1 cup frozen Corn Kernels
1/2 tsp Chili Powder
1/2 tsp Cumin
Pepper, to taste
7 Flour Tortillas

Season Chicken Breasts with Pepper and bake at 350 degrees for 30 mins.  Then use 2 forks to shred the Chicken.  In a bowl, cream together your Cream Cheese & Sour Cream then add 1/2 cup of Salsa & 1/2 cup of each of your Cheeses.  In another bowl, mix together the Chicken, Corn, Chili Powder, Cumin & Pepper.  Then add the Chicken & Cheese mixtures together & stir to combine.
Spread 1/2 cup Salsa in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish.  Place 1/3 cup of the filling in the center of a tortilla & spread straight down the middle.  Roll it up and place seam side down in your baking dish.  Do the same for the remaining 6 Tortillas.  Pour the remaining 1 cup of Salsa over the top and sprinkle with the rest of both Cheeses.  Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 25 mins & VOILA!
I will probably use 1 oz less Cream Cheese next time around
These DID NOT fall apart!  Imagine my excitement  :)


Until next time.....


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Taco Corn Bread Casserole

Words can't describe how fantastic some of the Mexican food recipes have sounded and turned out since I joined Pinterest.  Now this one doesn't Top the Mexican food I've attempted to cook....that would be the Mexican Shells I made last month.....but it's pretty far up the list of 5 whole recipes.


1 pkg Corn Bread
1/3 cup Milk
1 egg
1 lb Ground Beef
1/2 pkg Taco Seasoning
3/4 cup Sour Cream
1 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Mix Corn Bread, Milk & Egg & spread into a greased 8x8 baking dish.  Bake at 350 degrees F for 15 mins.  While the Corn Bread is cooking, brown the Meat & add water & Taco Seasoning.  When the Corn Bread is done baking, spread the Meat mixture over the top of it.  In a bowl, mix the Sour Cream & 3/4 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese & spread over the top of the Meat Mixture.  Bake for another 20 mins.  Sprinkle the top with the remaining 1/4 cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese and add your favorite Taco toppings.

Yes, this dish is as fantastic as it sounds.  Enough said.

Until next time.....


Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan

There is an AMAZING Italian restaurant in the Southwest corner of Frisco called Isabella's.  They have the absolute best Chicken Parmesan that I have ever tasted.  I've had a tiny craving for Chicken Parmesan since then and thought, what easier way to satisfy my craving than to find an Easy, Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan to make.  By no means do I think that a Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan will compare to the the awesomeness that I had at Isabella's...but it works & it was actually pretty dang good, I must say.


1 tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 cup Italian Bread Crumbs
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Salt
1 Egg
2 boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts
1 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1 - 12 oz can Tomato Paste, seasoned
I used seasoned Tomato Paste with a little bit of water because I don't have to blend it.  We're not big fans of chunky Tomato Sauce in our household.


Swirl Olive Oil around the bottom of you crock pot's stoneware insert until it covers the entire bottom.  Mix the Bread Crumbs, Seasoning & Parmesan Cheese in a dish.  Dip each Chicken Breast in the Egg & then in the Bread Crumb mixture, coating both sides well.  Place the Chicken Breasts in the bottom of the crock pot.  Layer all of the Mozzarella Cheese over the top of the Chicken Breasts.  Cover the Chicken Breasts & Cheese with the whole can of Tomato Paste & cook on Low for 5 hours then switch to High for about an hour. 

I used a loaf pan for the bread crumb mixture.  It seemed like the most logical choice of dish.
I should have saved a little extra Mozzarella Cheese to sprinkle over the top right before we ate. 
I made sure to use ALL of the Bread Crumb mixture on my 2 Chicken Breasts. 

This.........definitely satisfied my craving. 

Until next time.....


Dr Pepper Crock Pot Roast

Chris mentioned to me recently that he wanted me to try a pork ribs recipe cooked in the crock pot with Dr Pepper.....I thought, why not try to find something that I could make with the ingredients I had in my house already.  Everyone loves a good Chuck Roast, right?  PLUS, this was the last night I really had to cook before my busy week at work last week.



2 lb Chuck Roast
1 - 12 oz can Dr Pepper
2 cups Water
5 dashes Worcestershire Sauce
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
My meat was just a *tad* frozen....I both found & made this recipe on my lunch break.


Place Roast in the crock pot and add all other ingredients.  Cook on Low for 5 hours then switch to High for about an hour.

Can I just say that Dr Pepper is an amazing thing to be addicted to.  haha.  I purchased boneless pork ribs on my last trip to the grocery store just so I can find a GOOD crock pot recipe to douse these in Dr Pepper.  :)

Until next time.....


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Garlic Lemon Chicken

Another crock pot recipe I tried in April for Garlic Lemon Chicken 

2 boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
1/4 cup Minced Garlic
2 tsp Seasoned Salt
5 dashes Louisiana Hot Sauce
1 cup White Cooking Wine

Combine all ingredients in the crock pot & cook on Low for 5 hours, then switch the crock pot to High for about an hour or so.

The final product:

Until next time.....


3 Packet Pot Roast & Cheddar Potato Slices

Here is another crock pot recipe that I tried in April for 3 Packet Pot Roast.  This roast was A-MAZING.  I am not by any means going to try to pass it off as my own because, well, there really just is not any way to do it.  I used the exact same ingredients as she did.  Most of my crock pot recipes have derived from the same site that I found this one on.  Along with the roast, I made Cheddar Potato Slices derived from the Parmesan Potato Wedges on that page.  Cheddar & Parmesan, Wedges & Slices.....2 different things, you may say.....but those are only TWO ingredients out of this recipe. 


2 lb Chuck Roast
1 packet Grill Mates Peppercorn & Garlic
1 packet Ranch Dressing & Seasoning
1 packet Italian Dressing
3 cups Water

Place your Roast in the crock pot.  Combine the 3 packets in a bowl & pour on top of the Roast.  Flip the Roast to cover it completely in the Seasonings and make sure you rub the Seasonings into the Roast also.  Add a cup of Water and cook on Low for 5 hours.  

Then (when you get home from work, as I did), add 2 more cups of water and switch the crock pot to High....this turned out to be about another hour while I was prepping & cooking our Potato Slices.

The Final Product:
Just like the Grill Mates packet says, YOU CAN SEE THE FLAVOR!  :)
The recipe I copied says you can cook on High for 4-5 hours.  I am weird about leaving my crock pot on High while no one is home though AND the 5 hour mark would have left no extra time to make our side dish.


3 Russet Potatoes, sliced
5 tbsp Vegetable Oil
2/3 cup Plain Bread Crumbs
1/2 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 tbsp Paprika (not pictured...see notes)
2 tsp Ground Mustard
3/4 tsp Garlic Powder
3/4 tsp Ground Thyme
1/4 tsp Cayenne

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F & place a foil lined baking sheet inside to preheat also.  Place your Potato Slices in a bowl with the Vegetable Oil & toss them until they are evenly coated.  Combine the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl & add to the Potatoes, tossing again to evenly coat.  Place the Potato Slices in a single layer on the baking sheet & bake for 25 mins.

The Final Product:

I clearly did not realize I was snapping a pic of Parsley instead of Paprika.  I did not use Parsley in this recipe.  :)
These were all kinds of spicy, crispy goodness....we love spicy & crispy in our household.  

Until next time.....


Monday, May 21, 2012

Pizza Casserole & Homemade Baked Mozzarella Sticks

This is a recipe I tried back in March.  I made a Pizza Casserole & Homemade Baked Mozzarella Sticks.


1 lb Ground Beef (not pictured...I don't know why)
10 oz Meat flavored Pasta Sauce
1/2 lb Rotini, cooked & drained
Mozzarella Cheese (I shredded 3 String Cheese Sticks)
Pepperonis, to desired meatiness

Brown Ground Beef until cooked all the way through then add Pasta Sauce & Rotini.  Transfer Beef to greased, round baking dish & cover with Mozzarella Cheese & Pepporinis.  Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F for 25 mins.

I used lean Ground Beef so there was no reason to drain.  Less lean Beef will need to be drained BEFORE adding the Pasta Sauce.


4 Egg Roll Wrappers, cut in half
4 String Cheese Sticks, cut in half
Olive Oil

Place a piece of String Cheese near the bottom corner of one Egg Roll Wrapper.  Fold the bottom corner over the Cheese and roll up halfway.  Fold the sides towards the center over the Cheese.  Moisten remaining Wrapper with water and roll it up tight to seal.  Brush each Cheese Stick with Olive Oil & sprinkle with Salt.  

Bake on a foil lined baking sheet for 15 mins at 400 degrees F.  Flip & bake for 5 more mins.

I followed the recipe's directions to a T (see link above) and well, some turned out wrapped to perfection & some did not.
Keep Egg Roll Wrappers covered with a moist paper towel while you're not rolling them.
It doesn't matter if they're homemade or frozen, the cheese always busts out the sides of my cheese sticks.  ::sigh::

The final products for the evening:

Mmmmmm Meaty Goodness!!!

Despite all the cheese that made it's way OUT of the sticks, there was still alot inside too.  :)


Until next time.....


"OMG" Chicken & Chocolate PB Sandwich Cookies

Here's a recipe I tried for "OMG" Chicken served that night with Kraft's Home Baked Mac & Cheese & Chocolate PB Sandwich Cookies for dessert.



2 boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts
1/4 cup Sour Cream
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
Italian Bread Crumbs


Combine Sour Cream & Parmesan Cheese and spread a thick layer of the mixture over the top of the Chicken Breasts.  Sprinkle the tops of the covered Chicken Breasts with Italian Bread Crumbs, to taste.  

Bake on a foil lined baking sheet for 30 mins at 425 degrees F or until your breadcrumb crust is nice & toasty.



16 Ritz Crackers
Peanut Butter
6 oz Chocolate


Lay 8 Ritz Crackers out on a sheet of wax paper.  Place about a half of a spoonful of PB in the center of each Cracker 

& then place another Cracker on top.  Press down in the center of the top Cracker and the PB will spread evenly between the 2.  Melt your Chocolate in the microwave in a small bowl for about 30 seconds & stir.  Then heat for another 15 seconds until there are just a few chunks left.  Stir evenly to melt the remaining chunks.  Dunk your PB Crackers in the Chocolate until evenly covered and remove by lifting out of the bowl with a fork.  Hold the fork over the bowl until all extra Chocolate drippings have fallen off.  Place on the wax paper and allow to set for about an hour or so.

My mistake was that I used too large of a bowl so I kept having to gather the chocolate back to the middle and spoon it over my PB Crackers.

These were much better after they were placed in the fridge for a bit.  Will definitely let them set in the fridge as opposed to the counter next time.

The final products for the night:

Man, I love Kraft's Home Baked Mac & Cheese


Until next time.....
