Sunday, October 14, 2012

Catching up.......and Cheesy Bacon Biscuit Pull Aparts


The past few months have been, to say the least, NUTS.  Working 16 hour days, 7 days a week for 2 months straight is not something that I would EVER wish upon anyone.  Except maybe 1 person....that's neither here nor there though.  Also, our lovely little Girls are growing up and growing to love each other more and more every single day.  They're just like real Sisters.  
I love these Girls so much.  I just can't get over how pretty their little faces are....and how great their little personalities are.

So this morning I woke up & made coffee and I was struck with the craziest feeling of motivation that I've had in a very long time.  I had a list of things in my head:  make breakfast, clean house, start all of the little projects that I've purchased supplies for but not actually started on.  I've only gotten as far as breakfast.  I do plan on getting off my butt after I make this post though.

I made these along with spicy scrambled eggs for Chris and fried eggs, sunny side up for myself.  

1 tbsp melted Butter
7 refrigerated biscuits
Mozzarella cheese (I just cut thin strips off of my block)
Bacon Bits
shredded Cheddar Cheese (I didn't measure)
As always, you can see I love my Wal Mart brand foods....

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Melt your Butter in the microwave for 30 seconds & brush that butter in the bottom of your iron skillet.  Line the bottom of the skillet with your Biscuits.  Only 7 of my roll of 10 would fit in my skillet.  Layer your Mozzarella Cheese, Bacon Bits & Cheddar Cheese & cook for 17 mins.
DON'T FORGET TO WEAR AN OVEN MITT WHEN REMOVING YOUR IRON SKILLET FROM THE OVEN.  No, I did not forget....I just want to throw in that friendly reminder.
I only cooked them for 15 mins in a gas oven.  I would say give them a couple more mins.  The Biscuits lining the outside were done but the center one was still a little gooey inside.
For Chris's scrambled eggs, I cooked them with a splash of Milk (for fluffiness) and Cayenne pepper with Louisiana Hot Sauce splashed across the top of the final product.  He likes 'em hella spicy.

Anyways, I can't claim these biscuits as my own but they were definitely A-Mazing....I would suggest them to EVERYONE.  

Until next time.....


1 comment:

  1. This looks delicious, too. Instead of mozzarella cheese I might try jalapeƱo jack and add salsa to my scrambled eggs for a Mexican brunch
